Yaniv Exclusive | 2020
Mobile Card Game
Yaniv is a draw, draw, and discard game originating from Israel, in which players discard before drawing a new card and attempt to have the lowest value of cards in hand.

The agenda here is to bring the joy and fun of this game to the virtual world and increase awareness among players worldwide.
Calling 'Yaniv!'
Each round in the game ends when a player declares "Yaniv!" The game's objective is to earn the fewest points in each round.

The winner is the player with the fewest points at the end of the game. 'Yaniv Exclusive' allows you to play with your friends online in a fun 3d environment.
Calling 'Asaf!'
After a player declares "Yaniv", if another player has a total less than or equal points, he must declare "Asaf!" And he will be the winner of the round.
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